

Sunday, March 31, 2013

1st Word - 7 last word of Jesus on the Cross

The First Word

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do"

Upon reflecting The Lent Season, the first word of Jesus strike my heart.

On the time that people condemn him despite of His good deeds, they made Him suffer on the cross. Even though He is on the time of pain, He still have the heart to pray to God Father to forgive these people as they don't know what they are doing.

Remembering life on earth with ups and down, with pain and heartaches. Crossed people who play foolishness to you, hurt you and betrayed you. The question is Are you ready to forgive them?
People say, "even God Jesus Christ has the heart to forgive people who condemn Him on the cross, WHY can't you." and also people replies, "hey I'm not God"
In reality, we people has the attitude of not easily forgiving other people once they did something wrong with us.  I think its normal.  Yes we are created in the likeness of God but let's face it we are not God who has this SUPER BIG heart to forgive us that easily. Not a second away he forgave you already.  It's like if a man committed murder and the moment that man repent and promised to be not like a murderer again, at that moment God Jesus Christ will give forgiveness.

Just like famous line in some movies, "Humans are weak".  Weak to fight the evil thoughts in our mind. Weak to withdraw the unnecessary fight. And this weakness draw us to the dark.  Yes we are not God but hey, we can also give forgiveness like God. Even though it's hurtful, painful like a dagger continuously stabbing your heart. Lift that emotion to God. Feel His love to you. Think of all His sufferings, the pain from the start that the people betrayed Him, to how He suffered in the cross and yet He still has the heart of forgive them.

Now think of that person who betrayed you, hurt you. Is your pain painful enough compare with Jesus sufferings? You may say, you don't deserve the pain because you've been nice to that person. Does Jesus deserve to be crucified? despite of the fact that Jesus did many good deeds.  He healed a lot of sick, he even make the dead live again and yet people shouted "crucify him".  You will feel that you have No right Not to forgive the person you hate and realize even God can forgive why can't I.

What do you think?
